January 11, 2009

Dispute Settlements

It is ever so true; when reasonable people see eye to eye, problems get resolved. When disagreements between various entities become volatile, time for a respite, a bit of relaxed and intelligent creativity in the interests of resolving differences. It's the civilized way, needless to say. And works every time.

Taking a deep breath, understanding that accusations are needlessly incendiary, creating a deep backlash of resentment, and engaging instead in reasoned debate.
Doesn't that nicely characterize the differences between Russia, say, and Ukraine?
Oh yes, indeed.

In the heat of the moment, disputing a new pricing contract, the Kremlin accused Ukraine of siphoning off gas from its pipeline, to benefit the country, deprived of heating during the course of a nasty, cold winter. Gas that Russia insisted was meant for Europe, instead. Ukrainians may freeze in the dark, but Central Europeans and the Balkans needn't.

But if they do, it's their own fault, for supporting Ukraine. The Czech Republic, now heading the European Union, understood, finally, that the best, most workable course of action was to succumb to appeasement. Mollify Russia, and if Ukraine is offended, why that is most unfortunate, but necessary in the interests of the greater good of EU members.

So while Ukraine defends herself, denying that she would stoop so low as to purloin what is not hers, Russia steadfastly labels Ukraine a liar, and that, quite simply, is that. The solution being to station monitors at signal parts of the gas pipeline delivery system to ensure that lying Ukraine steals no more gas destined for Europe.

Blackmail works very well when it's undertaken by a bully no one envisions standing up to, because the end result when the bully has full ownership of the commodity so badly needed by everyone is, that delivery will be curtailed, then cut off. How perspicacious of Ukraine president Viktor Yushchenko to understand that Russian motivation is the humiliation of his country.

Mission accomplished. His 'fault', so to speak, for coming to power with the promise of closer relations with the West, at the expense of solidarity with Russia. A dreadfully intolerable slight that Russia did not appreciate. To which end, Vladimir Putin sticks his finger in Viktor Yushchenko's eye and twists it a bit to the left, then to the right.

The EU-sponsored monitors of transiting gas could be put up in orange tents, he suggested, reflective of the Ukraine's pro-Western Orange Revolution.

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