"Extremist" Arab Groups - In Canada?
Yes, on the record, it would certainly appear that is the case. Ethnic, social, religious and traditional self-help groups formed for the purpose of providing practical and emotional support to others in our multi-faith, multi-social, multi-heritage society that represents the Canadian reality have long been recognized as a helpful aid in settling newcomers to the country, of providing assistance, and working alongside government for that purpose.
Somehow, on the way to maturation as responsible segments of society, and as meaningful representative-bodies of ethnic, religious and social groups, a malaise has crept into the process. An importation of social, religious and traditional grievances from the countries of origin, those countries so many fled to find peace of mind and freedom from persecution in a new welcoming country where freedoms of religion, association and speech are protected under the law.
There has been a gradual and perceptible shift in alliance and allegiance notably marked among former migrants from countries at war internally or with an external antagonist. Where once it was understood that immigrants seeking refuge had an obligation to leave behind them the tribal and religious animosities that formed a part of their overseas culture, enabling Canadians of whatever derivation to live together in peace, that is now being undermined.
Hostility is being extended within Canada, from Canadians who have emigrated from countries whose unsettled political condition has infected those within Canada supportive of their aims and disagreements, toward other Canadians of ethnic or religious descent different than their own. We've seen it occurring in the East Indian community with horribly disastrous results, and in the Sri Lankan community.
Now it's reared its ugly head from within the Arab and Muslim community, feeling hard put to protect themselves against a perceived atmosphere of suspicion of Muslims and Arabs. Not entirely surprising, given the world-wide phenomenon of growing violence against both Western and moderate Muslim co-religionists, along with 'infidels' and Jews.
Fanatical Islamists dedicated to violent jihad have poisoned the atmosphere for everyone, and that, actually is their purpose.
In instilling terror wherever they've been successful in mounting bloody attacks in demonstration of their dedication to jihad, they've also succeeded in giving Islam a black eye, and Muslims of every stripe but fundamental a huge headache. That's a headache that Muslims of every stripe have an obligation to heal of their own accord. Instead, the analgesic of choice appears to be blame of everyone else, most notably the non-Muslim community.
And when it comes to the incendiary situation of Israel vis-a-vis the Palestinians, nothing else comes as close to setting Arab and Muslim opinion on fire. Leading them to mount public relations offensives against Israel within Canada, making common cause with outlawed terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah whom they claim are simply performing as they must, in defence of Palestinian and Arab rights.
They're going even further, in declaring that there are no limitations to Jewish targeting, and unleashing in this pluralist society a horribly blemished line of reasoning, impacting on the greater Jewish community within Canada. Blame of Israel as a 'Zionist entity' with a distorted sense of entitlement in the Middle East, as a 'human-rights blight', a 'corrupter of justice', has extended itself to Jews who support Israel's right to exist.
Now a no-holds-barred smear campaign has blossomed into an indelible form of anti-Semitism. A reality hysterically denied by the very people who hurl racist insults at Jews, while claiming, piteously, that they've been besmirched by those evil blood-sucking Jews. They're only exercising their right to criticize Israel, and that doesn't equate with anti-Semitism.
Heated denunciations of the Government of Canada under this Conservative leadership has treated us to descriptions of members of parliament and government ministers as degraded social objects lacking morality. And when ministers of the government hit back, decrying the blatant anti-Semitic ravings as unacceptable in a civil society, pointing out that tax-payer funds are ill-directed at groups practising a recognized and illegal slur against others, they're speaking for all Canadian taxpayers.
Undemocratic and dangerous for a cabinet minister to announce his disgust at political manipulation by representatives of ethnic groups seeking to marginalize others? "Bullying" tactics for a cabinet minister to avow the real possibility of revoking government funding for groups who invoke racist tirades against others?
Confusing and unfathomable that respectable people react with repugnance at the propagation of "hateful and extremist views"?
Get used to it.
Labels: Crisis Politics, Government of Canada, Traditions
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