Britain is beyond rotten
The leading article in The Times today is headlined "Something Rotten" it may be read from here.
The topic is the pension and tax arrangements of the outgoing head of the 70 per cent now tax payer owned Scottish Bank RBS. It describes an outrage.
The Daily Telegraph meanwhile has a report of up to 1,200 unnecessary deaths at one single NHS hospital, read here. This should be no surprise, on 18th January 2008 The Guardian reported that 17,000 unnecessary deaths had been caused in the NHS, read it here.
I started the New Year on 3rd January this year with a post, linked here, on the NHS which began as follows:
A New Year needs a new start!
The NHS lies at the root of Britain's now nearly terminal problems. If individuals will not take responsibility for their own health and well being they will not take responsibility elsewhere.
The next day The Sunday Times carried a report of the NHS being in the organ sales business, read my post from here.
Look at any area of Society in England, neglect imposed by the incompetent Scottish thugs who largely govern, unemployment figures rose today to 2.029 million yet Lord Mandelson (three times the subject of scandals over questionable dealings yet ennobled and running huge swathes of government policy) denying on TV that job centres in England have closed when all know they have and that millions more English citizens now fear for their jobs not just their lives in run- down and shabby health services. Money being printed by the BoE will further reduce the real amounts available for expenditure whilst providing a fleeting charade of passing prosperity - no wonder University Chancellors have divined that they will soon need to at least double tuition fees.
The IMF today confirmed that Britain's recession will be the worst in the world in my view simply because it has the worst Government and zero opposition!
Yes there is no opposition under David Cameron while Government Ministers lie and demonstrate their ignorance in almost every area of their supposed responsibilities.
Sir Fred Goodwin is a shameful example of Britain, but scratch the surface and there is far worse within.
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