March 9, 2009

Britain's one-man opposition?

William Rees-Mogg this morning heads his online Times column, linked here, "Brown cannot shirk the blame for Lloyds". Well in a sane world maybe not, but with one opposition party led by Camerloon and the still smaller one by a 'man?' more concerned with nappy changing than the fate of the country it looks as though Brown may well get away 'scot' free once more.

Some quotes from the venerable gent's column, so obvious it should hardly need saying:

Three people share the main responsibility for this financial disaster: the chairman of Lloyds Bank, Sir Victor Blank, the chief executive, Eric Daniels, and the Prime Minister Gordon Brown. One would naturally expect Sir Victor and Mr Daniels to resign their posts. Whether or not the purchase of HBOS eventually proves profitable, the immediate consequences have been catastrophic....

It is the Prime Minister's position that is hardest to justify. He played a vital part in the negotiation of Lloyds purchase of HBOS and in the Government's negotiation of the asset guarantees. In mid-September 2008, at the same time as the collapse of Lehman Brothers, Sir Victor met Gordon Brown at a reception at Spencer House in London....

The article concludes....On his visit to the United States, he is reported to have suffered a spasm of anger or anxiety in front of some British journalists. “You want me to go on television and apologise, but I am not going to do it. I have nothing to apologise for. It is not my fault. Get in the real world.” In the real world, the disaster that has befallen Lloyds Bank is Gordon Brown's fault and his responsibility.

Read it all and demand Gordon Brown resign, can you really go on pretending none of this will really impact YOU?... Yes YOU!!!

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