March 24, 2009

British inflation rises to 3.2% on CPI

Trash your currency, give the nation's assets to the EU and transfer billions to that same corrupt organisation each year and any country would be bound for disaster.

When Maggie Thatcher made here "No!No!No!" speech Britain was self-sufficient in food and energy - the essentials of life - and had a healthy manufacturing industry - remember the Central Electricity Generating Board, British Gas etc., no EDF or Eon back then gouging every citizen to mind-numbing poverty!

Thatcher was dumped by the treacherous likes of Heseltine and Ken Clarke who today still hold the levers of Tory power, and the unexpectedly high inflation figures just announced come from the pounded pound and according to The Times all due to HIGH FOOD PRICES most now coming from the EU because we have ,of course, sold out our farmers as well!

The three main parties have betrayed Britain and sold it off to the EU to fill their own pockets -

Make them pay the price on 4th June!!!!

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