March 22, 2009

The People delivers the facts

The popular Sunday tabloid splashes this bad news for the less well-informed British citizens:

22 March 2009
EXCLUSIVE Here's how they might claw it back
By Nigel Nelson Political Editor
Every British taxpayer faces a debt of £25,000 to pay for Alistair Darling's borrowing binge.

At least the Maggot MP and Employment Minister, Tony Mcnulty, has put aside enough to pay his share of the debt having claimed sixty thousand pounds worth of parliamentary expenses on his parents home for the past several years in spite of he and his wife pulling in some three hundred thousand pounds a year, she being the Chief Schools Inspector according to The Times, linked here it begins:

A LABOUR minister was at the centre of a new controversy over Commons expenses after he in effect admitted that he had been wrong to claim £60,000 of taxpayers’ money for a property that is his parents’ main home.

Tony McNulty, the employment minister, confronted over his expenses claims, said he would stop claiming the MPs’ second-home allowance, it was reported last night. McNulty and his wife, Christine Gilbert, the chief schools inspector, have a combined annual income of more than £300,000 and between them own two London homes worth £1.2m.

They live together in a house she owns just three miles from Westminster. However, McNulty has been claiming up to £14,000 a year in parliamentary expenses to help to pay for the second house, in his Harrow constituency, where his parents live. The property is just 12 miles from the Commons.

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