March 6, 2009

Quantitative Easing - Printing money to fund Labour's bottom feeders

Any who have suffered the distressing experience of wresting money that is rightly theirs from the coffers of the Treasury as run by the despicable government under the control of Gordon Brown will be painfully aware that Britain has been effectively broke for many long months and that there is no ruse or underhand trick that the people involved will not undertake to avoid or delay payment to the maximum extent possible.

Concurrently Labour have employed a vast army of professional parasites who serve no useful function in life other than to draw hefty salaries for meaningless tasks and periodically vote to keep their masters in power.

These two distressing situations essentially a prime example of an irresistible force and an immovable object have been apparently squared at a stroke by Quantitative Easing.

Not that any of the media pundits, economists or city experts were to be found admitting such a sordid fact over the airwaves last evening nor on the printing presses overnight.

We are supposed to believe this is some magic wand, which provided it is waved to just the right degree will free us from the consequences of our own greed and the serious mis-governance of the past two decades.

The printed money will not, of course, go to the banks to be advanced to stalwart businesses who would normally be thriving given a prudent business environment, as so many commentators and the Governor of the Bank of England (twitchy face) King declared yesterday evening.

The money will go via the government to the otherwise unemployable dregs who make-up Labour's client state, the MP of all parties in Parliament who have passed 80 per cent of their responsibilities to the EU but hugely ramped up their salaries and expenses in compensation for having little to do, the shameless senior civil servants who must be either stupid or mendacious to work with, for or alongside such loathsome examples of humanity as the present set of cabinet ministers and countless others in society who are recognisable by the pointlessness of their day to day activities.

The problem for the rest of the nation, who earn their pay in productive employment or have saved it from past endeavours, is that the money these thieves will now print will be unrecognisable from the real thing! This counterfeit cash will circulate side by side with the real thing! When a shopkeeper has spent his own hard-earned cash to buy his stock hands it over to one of these parasites who have obtained their pay through deception, he poor fellow will be stuck with devalued coinage and cash in his till and slowly but surely he will be less able to purchase solid goods.

Worse comes however, for the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne (in the ongoing absence of his clearly emotionally crippled Leader) has stated to the TV cameras (once again not in Parliament, for there has been no debate there) that there is no alternative.

Rubbish, of course there is an alternative, no nation in history has to condemn itself to certain bankruptcy. We can sack the Government and the Parasites. There is a Higher Authority in our Land. Kipling points the way:


England at War
Where Horse and Rider each can trust the other everywhere,
It takes a fence and more than a fence to pound that happy pair;
For the one will do what the other demands, although he is beaten
and blown,
And when it is done, they can live through a run that neither
could face alone.

When Crew and Captain understand each other to the core,
It takes a gale and more than a gale to put their ship ashore,
For the one will do what the other commands, although they;
chilled to the bone,
And both together can live through weather that neither could
face alone.
When King and People understand each other past a doubt,
It takes a foe and more than a foe to knock that country out;
For the one will do what the other required as soon as the need
is shown;
And hand in hand they can make a stand which neither could
make alone!

This wisdom had Elizabeth and all her subjects too,
For she was theirs and they were hers, as well the Spaniard knew;
For when his grim Armada came to conquer the Nation and
Why, back to back they met an attack that neither could face

It is nor wealth, nor talk, nor trade, nor schools, nor even the
Will save your land when the enemy's hand is tightening round
your throat.
But a King and a People who thoroughly trust each other in all
that is done
Can sleep on their bed without any dread--for the world will
leave 'em alone!



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