All Mainstream Media are culpable in Brown's poisoning of society
Rachel Sylvester writing in The Times this morning states the following:
There have for years been political assassinations, knee-cappings and punishment beatings for those who cross the godfather. I remember, during my first week as a lobby correspondent in 1996, hearing Charlie Whelan, Mr McBride's predecessor, telling another journalist that he would have “no stories for three weeks” because he had written something unhelpful to Mr Brown. I assumed he was joking. I quickly realised he was not.
All the media knew this was going on as did we bloggers, the difference bloggers railed against it but the MSM connived in this corruption of democracy by allowing the destruction of the fourth estate. Examples, in 2006 this post of mine asked the following:
Watching the PM at his press conference this week, facing his apparently supine and adoring co-conspirators in the complete degradation of the country, was a sickening sight that could have left few of the properly informed unashamed. Surely, all within the Westminster circle must be well aware of the depths to which this administration has sunk?
The Chancellor was, very unusually, nowhere in evidence at today's PMQ.
As was reported in last week's Sunday Telegraph -'Transparency International' has listed more than fifty questions regarding possible corruption that the most senior members of the present British Government should now be answering to the police.
Others of the Cabinet should by now have resigned given their own proven incompetence.
Where was Brown today? Redditch some say - if so WHY? What is his response to the disgusting fiasco that is his Tax Credit programme and why are the MSM burying that story?
On 29th February 2008 under a blog titled "Britain's shamed media and Establishment" which concluded as follows:
Britain with a silenced fourth estate and therefore under this authoritarian government on the edge of a petty tyranny; one which plans to now hand power for eternity to an even greater tyranny based somewhere upon the Continent. When Europe loses its freedoms the rest of the world is unlikely to escape unscathed.
Are my contempories, as they prepare for their no doubt very comfortable retirements, really going to allow this outrage against the freedom and liberties of the European people, for which our fathers and grandfathers so bloodily fought, be secretively and treacherously destroyed in this outrageous manner?
Is the two minutes or so devoted by the BBC on the Radio 4 programme this morning (the first critical mention of these proceedings) all we are to hear from Britain's state broadcaster on this outrage?
It all seems to be so, and I hang my head in shame!
My original blog "Ironies" is littered with complaints about the corruption of our media, the first in June 2003, this brief statement from December 2004 gives a flavour of the regular evidence my blogs have supplied "As the web in general and the blogospere in particular gets ever more informative and interesting the fourth estate gets ever more mundane..."
Mundane my foot, they have connived in the destruction of their coutnry as have the silenced Conservative Party, read Boris today in the Telegraph and ask "Why only now?"
Labels: Eastergate
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