April 20, 2009

The Incomparable Nelson Mandela

He has attained the ripe old age of ninety years. This elder statesman. This highly respected man of peace, of conscience, and of history. He is an avid supporter of human rights, of the freedom of humankind, of respect between nations and between individuals. He celebrates colour-blindedness, and diversity, and equality.

Truly an esteemed figure, one who fought the good fight and lived to tell about it, despite long years of vile incarceration for his human-rights beliefs.

Co-Founder of the African National Congress, and beloved Father of his nation.

What has happened to his conscience on the way to achieving ninety years of grace? Little said of Zimbabwe, of Darfur, of Somalia, of Democratic Republic of Congo. Where is his voice? It was heard in support of the Palestinians, in denunciation of the State of Israel, however.

Where is his sense of proportionality, of urgency to meet the temper of the times, the violation of human rights, the dire straits of indigent, disease-threatened Africans?

Bishop Desmond Tutu, so large a presence in Apartheid and post-Apartheid South Africa, a mentor to past-President Mandela, a partner in peace, good fellowship and forgiveness is heard on occasion. He has not forgotten his mandate to speak on behalf of his fellow sufferers.

And he has somehow conceived an antipathy to the new ANC, comprised of a different set of values and determinations. Above all, led now by a politician whose history of corruption, accused of having committed rape, ignorant of HIV/AIDS prevention, has sullied that party. No, not really. The old stalwarts of the NAC have formed their own party.

What is obvious to Bishop Tutu has somehow managed to escape the notice of Mr. Mandela. His former wife, an accomplice to murder, a treacherous self-enabler and self-promoter who sought to amass wealth while encouraging her supporters to 'necklace' those political adversaries to whom she took a dislike, is now front and centre in supporting Jacob Zuma.

And she has brought along for that very same purpose, her former husband. To sit in the bleachers, beaming, giving his cheerful assent to the assumptions of Mr. Zuma.

All is forgiven, Mr. Zuma. There were no sins against your fellows committed that might conceivably place you in a position unfit for highest public office. The ANC remains committed to honour, honesty, justness, above all to focus on the 'primary task' of ending poverty, to ensure improved lives for all South Africans.

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