April 15, 2009

Withdraw MP Pensions

The following was written this week by veteran and honourable Labour MP Frank Field, read "Darkness at the Heart of the Labour Party" in full from here. BUT note especially the full implications of these two sections:

Week after week MPs have been turning up but with almost no serious work to do. There is the odd bill to be sure. But there is no legislative programme to speak of. Even the debates that are put on to fill in time are ones that deny MPs a vote. The whole exercise is vacuous....

It is this contrast between how we should be behaving, and what has been exposed, that is the real killer. A necessary government information machine has been corrupted by a spin that seeks not to inform but control and, if needs be destroy. And it has been in existence for over a decade.

Yes indeed, more than a decade I would argue as far as the lack of a proper legislative programme is concerned, for the John Major years started the period of abdication of Parliament's role to the EU.

Eventually the MP who have destroyed democracy and screwed the Nation for these decades must be held accountable, an oppressed and bankrupted country cannot be expected to compliantly provide the obscene pensions that the Westminster filth have contrived for themselves, perhaps with the odd exceptions for the likes of Frank Field.



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