April 11, 2009


EU Commission President Barroso is asking for advice from the citizens of the EU at the site linked here. My contribution was the following:

"Abandon Lisbon, Cancel the June elections/new Commission.

The world is facing economic melt down but none in the EU Commission, nor apparently in the EU Parliament recognise the realities of this situation.

Budget cuts are supposedly impossible. Waste is enormous. The last thing that the citizens of the EU can afford is 5 more years of MEP and EU Commission hugely inflated salaries, expenses and pension rights for essentially non-productive time-servers.

Since the Commission launched its ‘Better Regulation Agenda’ in 2005, the annual cost of EU legislation across the bloc has gone from €108 billion to over €161 billion – an increase of 50%.


This is ALREADY intolerable and will arouse more anger as economies continue to contract and unemployment grows!

The means by which the Lisbon Treaty is being imposed is demeaning to the whole concept of democracy and European unity, the people involved make themselves despicable!

When economic growth resumes a European Council should only then meet to appoint a new Convention of relatively young Europeans from the 27 present member states to consider a better way forward.

To quote Oliver Cromwell "It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place, which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice; ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government; ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of .."

There I ran out of permitted characters, others may wish to continue the quote!

Subsequently I was asked about other issues and my reply I summarised as "Individuals matter" and expanded

"Considering the greater good results in totalitarian tyranny and wasteful and dangerous deviations such as that upon which the EU is now embarked.

Humanity is special individually as a mob it is dangerous."

Of course these comments will be ignored and the ridiculous waste will go on and on and the authoritarianism will grow worse and worse.



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