May 21, 2009

Britain's credit downgrading.

Standard and Poor's today put the UK politicians, still mainly obsessed with their own personal corruption which has been obvious to the informed observer for years, on notice that the downward spiral towards national desolation cannot be defied by wishful thinking alone.

Over on Conservative Home they are holding a debate on why their party has not tabled any tax raising/spending cuts proposals as if it were led by either thoughtful or moral men, read here.

Someone needs to spell out the obvious fact that we will soon be in a worse position than in 1945, how did we get out of that? A schoolboy could write on an envelope the kind of drastic cuts and taxation rises that will inevitably prove necessary.

Painful? You betcha!

Appearing in any election manifesto coming soon! No way!

Some thoughts :

EU - withdrawal can provide massive savings.

Health service - basic Beveridge treatment with privately paid top ups.

Schools - 20% out at age 12 into craft apprenticeships/ young leaders in the forces, thereafter 20 % each year into increasingly specialised training schemes.

Free University - education for the top 20% of school leavers only, drawn entirely from the state secondary sector who will be the sole candidates eligible for government paid employment.

Sweeping parliamentary reform and disbandment of devolved and regional assemblies.

Drugs - legalised and state supplied to registered addicts only who will not be eligible for welfare benefits or government employment. Five year proof of drug free lifestyle before removal from the register.

Generous tax breaks for genuine new business start-ups with export earnings.

WOULD THAT OR SOMETHING SIMILAR SAVE THE NATION? I believe not. Heads on pikestaffs, or the modern equivalent, will, I fear, eventually prove to be the only certain first tentative step towards renewal.



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