May 18, 2009

Could Cameron be forced out?

The stance by the Leader of the Opposition in the growing constitutional crisis seems increasingly preposterous. To anybody other in the land than David Cameron himself, proposing a petition for a General Election might seem their only recourse, but following a sickeningly weak presentation of the party's policies on the increasingly tyrannical EU, suggesting YET ANOTHER petition, the Leader of the supposed parliamentary opposition was beyond parody of incompetence.

This all occurring on the same afternoon as when Parliament was almost in open revolt against the Speaker and from which the Leader of the Opposition appeared absent heightened the unavoidable conclusion that Cameron has not the least idea about the importance and power of his position. The Speaker must go together with scores of Members of Parliament from all parties, but can the country really afford this Leader of the Opposition who now almost single handedly keeps the Brown Government in office with his very own lamentable personal insufficiencies! A plastic imitation Blair was never likely to be what the country needed, even in economic good times, how much less so today?

Happily Cameron did spell out how getting rid of unwanted Conservative MP might be done, as quoted in The Times this morning, linked here, as follows:

- David Cameron told local parties they should deselect Tory MPs they regarded as unsuitable. “If you think your MP is not right to stand, there’s a simple process for triggering his or her reselection. It only needs 10 per cent of the members or 50 people, whichever is the smaller number,” he said.

Possibly his Oxfordshire constituents may wish to wait until early June following their party's hoped for deserved massacre in the European Elections.

Later yesterday the English Democrats had their first Party Political Broadcast aired which is posted below. Bearing in mind Cameron's promise not to interfere with the Barnett Formula as a true bred Scot, a protest vote for the English Democrats might be most fitting for disgruntled Tories, presumably there will be many such in neighbouring Berkshire this week, particularly Wokingham!

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