May 10, 2009

The "poor little street-bred people"

Incredibly the Mail on Sunday reports that there are still 23% of people in Britain who support the thoroughly corrupted Labour Party as forged by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, read here (with another wicked picture of the mazed Brown).

The Graphic of this poll repeatedly being shown on Sky News TV reports this morning is a classic example of how the mainstream media plays on the public's ruined education to boost the Labour Party. In this case by portraying the relevant party percentages in a graphic with a photo of the party leaders, as though there were hardly any difference between 23 and 45 per cent! Shameful manipulation Sky News!

Nevertheless it is hard not to assign much of the blame for the country's present plight to the people of the country themselves, to consider that almost a quarter of the populace still supports these clear crooks beggars belief, as the heading to my post hints they must be Kipling's "The poor little street-bred people that vapour and fume and brag," mentioned in his great poem "The English Flag", which may be read from here as a reminder of how far we have sunk!

A video that should give more than a clue as to the reasons why Blair (read the latest Telegraph detail on his expenses, here) and Brown have deliberately chosen to bankrupt and cheat England is here:

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