May 15, 2009

MP Expenses - Letter to the Queen

An associate of mine from the early days of the formation of the Veritas Party has suggested the wording for a letter to the Queen as follows:

Her Majesty The Queen,

Buckingham Palace,



Friday 15th May 2009

Your Majesty,

As a loyal subject and patriot, I am seriously concerned about the House of Commons, in relation to the scandal over Members of Parliament and their expenses. This has caused great upset and our democracy is in danger.

I am of the view that the Country needs a Parliament with a new mandate from your people.

May I respectfully request that you speak to the Prime Minister and suggest to him that because of the level of disgust within the Country, over the issue of expenses which involves all political parties, that Parliament should be dissolved and a general election called.

Yours sincerely.



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