May 24, 2009

Talking tosh and its backlash!

The latest revelations of the complete corruption of the British Government are in the Daily Telegraph this morning, all commented upon and linked from my posting below.

Six years ago I posted on Ironies a link to the Daily Telegraph editorial for 25th May 2003 on the subject of denying the British people a referendum on the EU Constitution, which may be read in full from here. I was particularly struck by the following paragraphs to which I have added my own highlights:

Yesterday, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, the chairman of the convention, also called for a referendum. He, of all people, understands the magnitude of what is being proposed, having often compared his work to that of the Philadelphia Convention of 1787. New states need a clear mandate from their future citizens. Yet, on television yesterday, Neil Kinnock made the assertion, apparently seriously, that the question of whether to have a mayor in Hartlepool was more constitutionally significant than Britain's incorporation into a European federation.

Why is Labour holding out so determinedly? After all, its intransigence is beginning to damage it on issues other than Europe. A politician cannot carry on talking evident tosh - even if only on one subject - without losing credibility. The likeliest answer is the obvious one: it fears losing. But honest Europhiles should sit down and ask themselves whether it is in anyone's interest for so momentous a step to be taken without wholehearted assent. The tactic of ignoring or, when necessary, deceiving the electorate has served well enough so far; but it cannot be kept up indefinitely without provoking a backlash.

The results of the ongoing and deliberately ever-deeper deceptions of these Cabinet low-lives have resulted in their own almost complete moral degradation as evidenced by the same newspaper's revelations this morning as may now be read immediately below!



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