May 4, 2009

Treasures from the Threads - Number Thirty-four

A Leading Article in The Independent, linked here, offering little of value and erroneously describing the BNP as "far right' rather than "far left" as is really the case, gathers this well-considered response:

Justice and security agenda in Europe is very dangerous
[info]old_green wrote:
Monday, 4 May 2009 at 11:28 pm (UTC)
Paradoxically, Europe is not a democracy, even though it is composed of democracies and holds elections.
Decisions are made out of sight, which is the majority of the problem - there is absolutely no accountability.
Votes at the Council of Ministers are taken in secret - we cannot know if our nation has voted for or against a measure. Our ministers can claim they opposed something when the truth may be exactly the opposite - they may have pushed for its adoption.

The UK has been spearheading a very negative justice and security agenda in Europe, including privacy-invading technology. This has all been happening largely out-of-sight.

Do you think perhaps this is why UK politicians are so keen that Europe isn't discussed seriously here in Britain?

Let's take a look at some of the issues: -
* A new five year plan for justice and home affairs that emphasises the surveillance state and keeping digital records of all citizens' activities
* Plans for database registration of all citizens and universal biometric ID cards, with RFID
* The EU directive (2006/24/EC) on 'data retention', creating a database recording all communications, phone calls and emails (incidentally, approved by the European Parliament)
* Introducing databases tracking political activists even before 9/11.
* The willingness of the EU to compromise to the US on privacy, shown in the release of airline passenger data to USA, with inadequate privacy protection.
* Plans to fingerprint all children, compulsorily over the age of 12
* An EU initiative to continuously track the speed and position of vehicles, about to go on trial in the UK
* An EU directive on road pricing which will require tracking and identification of all vehicles in Europe
Directive 2004/52/EC
* An EU-funded pilot scheme in Romania to put RFID into all government documents
* Apparent backing for the RFID (Radio-Frequency ID chips) tracking system in goods and stores, which would allow tracking and profiling of all individuals




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