May 7, 2009

Victory in Europe Day - What Victory?

In parts of Europe today a holiday marks the final defeat of the totalitarian Nazis on this same day in 1945. Note I say marks, rather than celebrates, for in truth that victory today appears more than hollow.

I personally mark my 65th Birthday this year, ten months of humanity advancing and some 64 years of decline and return to servitude! A sad thing at this point of one's life to realise that civilisation appears to have reached its apogee, when one was less than one year old.

The European Parliament has now broken up, for its corrupt membership to campaign for re-election across almost the entire European Continent, one member not standing described it during its last session as follows:

"Over the last five years I have watched in horror the EU’s endless, scandalous, institutionalised looting of taxpayers’ money.

"I have watched in horror an already overcrowded UK deluged by hundreds of thousands of uninvited foreign workers who arrived for their benefit and to claim our welfare.

"I have watched in close-up a legislative system which permits anonymous bureaucrats to generate so-called law without any regard for the damage they do to the British economy and businesses.

"I have watched in close-up this expensive, ineffectual talking shop of a parliament masquerading as an elaborate illusion of accountable democracy – a monstrous deceit on the electors who sent us here.

"President Gorbachev was right. The EU is the old Soviet Union dressed in western clothes.

"One day you will realise you cannot be masters in someone else's house."

Jean Monnet one of the prime movers behind the EU project is not celebrated in Cognac, France, the town of his birth, the house where he lived is unmarked and the tourist office reluctant to point the way.

Rightly so, for this monstrous project based on the accumulation of power by stealth and the destruction of all democratic institutions always had its roots in totalitarianism and all those ancient horrors we thought we had defeated once and for all in 1945.

Monnet accepted the project could not advance with the people's consent, we can now look at his creation and fully understand how that could be!

Buy the book Liberal Fascism, by Jonah Goldberg, published by Penguin ISBN 978-0-141-03950-3 to understand how totalitarianism has its roots from the left of the political spectrum and begin to come to understand how we have once again come to this pass.

Next month deny your vote to any who support the continuation of this disgusting and disgraceful EU project on its present terms and have sought to impose the Lisbon Treaty against the clearly expressed wishes of the electorates in France, The Netherlands and Ireland!



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