July 15, 2009


The trial of the gang members who savagely murdered Ilan Halimi resulted in the repulsive leader being sentenced to life, but several others only got minor sentences. Luckily, they're going to be retried now:
(IsraelNN.com) Fourteen of those convicted in the brutal slaying of young French Jew Ilan Halimi will face an appeal for increased jail terms. The appeal was granted following intervention from Justice Minister Michele Alliot-Marie.

Some French jurists protested the move, and accused Alliot-Marie of giving in to political pressure.

A court had sentenced two people who took part in holding Halimi captive and torturing him to between 15 and 18 years in prison, while a woman who lured Halimi to within kidnappers' reach was sentenced to nine years. Prosecutors had requested that the attackers be sentenced to 20 and 12 years respectively.

Several members of the gang that carried out the murder were sentenced to as few as six months in prison.

French Jews demonstrated Monday against the verdict, and demanded a public retrial. The original trial was closed to journalists because some of the defendants were minors.
There has to be a clear law in France that makes it possible to try savages like those as adults. Oh, and just who are those jurors who're trying to undermine justice? They ought to stand trial just as well!

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