July 2, 2009

Cerebration on LGBTTIQQ2S Celebration

Really, there is something to be said for enough already. Moderation is the key to living useful, truthful, faithful and meaningful lives.

The Golden Mean was never as needed as now, to teach people to live within their means, whether socially, politically or ideologically. The trouble being, of course, that where the emotions are concerned, there is little reasonableness. When disadvantaged members of society finally achieve a decent level of humane and needful balance with all others of society's members, one might rationalize that justice has been done.

One rationalizes sanely, but there is nothing particularly sane about the outcome of built-up resentment. And in the instance of segments of society having been stigmatized and victimized and finally having achieved equality, the bitterness of long years of being slighted and physically and mentally harmed all too often result in a determination to get even, to stick it to the society that caused so much misery to those incapable of conforming to social normatives.

And then the tedious and the inevitable occurs, when social mass guilt takes over from reasonable accommodation. LGBTTIQQ2S; what on earth might that formula relate to? Let's try: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgendered, intersexual, queer, questioning, two-spirited. Got it? Isn't that really neat? The communities of the formerly hideously socially outcasted, the gender-benders, the confused boys and girls, men and women who simply could not accept for themselves the social contract that demanded man+woman partnerships must have their say and their day, over and over and over again.

In a raucous, resplendent, outrageous display of defiance. And thus was born Pride Parades and Dyke Marches; a "celebration of all things female, lesbian, trans and queer". If celebration is required to validate the social differences, why must it be so extravagantly, obsessively (and truculently) public. Requiring the active encouragement and participation of politicos at every level, of the sympathetic and mostly left-leaning 'normals' in society. Well, one supposes, because the idea is that 'normal' is absurd.

There is no normal, although there is a majority. And that majority, informed by nature, tradition, custom and genetic inheritance may no longer assume that their natural urge is normal, for now everything, regardless of how 'abnormal' is normal. Beyond the ethnicity, ideology, culture, tradition, religion and inheritance traits we are broadly, socially, accustomed to there is the politics, ideology and ethics of the other-gendered.

So why is this a matter of public celebration? Sex, after all, in all its permutations, is surely a private affair. If I don't give a damn how you practise your version of sexual gratification, why must I be confronted by extroverted self-celebration, in full frontal nudity? Isn't it time to give the majority a break? Do as you will, but do it quietly, if you respect yourself, let alone respect all others. And if you don't respect others, why expect them to respect you?

Just a little jettisoning of expendable steam. Continue partying on with gay abandon.

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