Hearing on Obama Birth Set in CA
After much controversy and a whole lot of sealed documents, a CA judge is moving forward with a hearing on the case of Obama's NATURAL-BORN citizenship status. Obama has never shown the long-form birth certificate that is so coveted. In fact, all of his prior documentation, passport records, college transcripts, medical records, and more have been sealed. He also signed an executive order on January 21 further making it difficult to obtain these documents without a court order. WHY? Obviously, he has something to hide. Obama has spent about $1 million to hide his place of birth and other documents. Why would someone do this if they didn't have something to hide.
The truth will eventually prevail as it is getting very difficult for even Robert Gibbs to cover up.
Read more on the court hearing here
BTW, if Obama is removed from office, then ALL of his executive orders, appointments, and laws he has signed will be void. VOID!
And the truth shall set America free!
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