July 16, 2009

Obama Has the Paper Trail of a Terrorist

From Anti-Mullah:

The evidence contained in Orly Taitz's Exhibit E shows that Barack Hussein Obama might have used as many as 149 addresses and 39 social security numbers prior to assuming the office of President.

The social security number most commonly used by Barack Hussein Obama, is one issued in the state of Connecticut, the state where Barack Hussein Obama never resided and it shows him to be 119 years old.

This coupled with the fact that Mr. Obama’s grandmother, Madeline Dunham was a volunteer at the Oahu Circuit Court Probate Department and had access to the social security numbers of the deceased, constitutes circumstantial evidence casting serious doubt on the legitimacy of Mr. Obama and his claims of being born on US territory.

“A comment about the Obama SSN from a reader

Entering 042-68-xxxx reveals Obama's ss# was issued in Connecticut in 1976-1977. Obama was living in Hawaii at that time and would have been around 15 or 16 years old. *Why didn't he simply get his ss# in Hawaii? Could it be because, at the time, he was Barry Soetoro, Indonesian citizen, thus ineligible to get a U.S. ss# ? His mother/grandmother must have had a contact in Connecticut who illegally (?) obtained the ss# for Barack.....”


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