September 28, 2009


In response to this earlier post by J.R., I want to add the following:

Global Warming is, quite literally, the spread of Progressivism/Communism through different means. And, I think the very idea of it is absolute bullshit. During my 46 years on this planet, I have been taught by scientists, real scientists, that we were headed for an ice age, that we were overpopulating the Earth and would eat each other like rats in a cage, that we were going to run out of oil by the late 80's, etc., etc., etc.
I was in Gifted classes when I was a young child. The classes I was in were conducted in an experimental new format, where we learned about social and environmental issues, as well as reading, writing, arithmetic, and history. In short, I was given something like the education students are given today.
I personally feel that, in a sense, I had my childhood stolen from me by teachers who were teaching me, from the time I was 9 years old, that the world was coming to an end IF WE DIDN'T DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT RIGHT AWAY, AND OF COURSE, THE GOVERNMENT IS DOING NOTHING ABOUT IT.
This is the way I was taught, and it is the way our kids are taught now. My daughter has Anthropogenic Global Warming smoke blown in her face constantly at her elementary school (like a ganja-smoking idiot blowing exhaling into the face of his cat).
What do you think happens to children who believe the world is coming to an end, (IF WE DON'T DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE PROBLEM RIGHT AWAY, AND OF COURSE, THE GOVERNMENT IS NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT?)
I can tell you what happens.
The child grows up living is a cognitive and spiritual dissonance. On the one hand, they are told they should study hard, get good grades, and make something of themselves, and they sincerely want to do that, but at the same time, they believe there is little or no hope for them. They believe they will likely die early, or at the best, be living in a Mad Max hell of a world, fighting for their very survival every day.
The leftist AGW crowd is stealing the hope of our children
I will repeat;
That further weakens resolve, as our children grow up only half-believing the world is a place worth living in.
We have to put an end to this Leftist nonsense. It is, virtually, as dangerous as Jihadism itself.


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