September 20, 2009

Pig Ignorance from a Telegraph Political Editor

In Britain today an online edition of a 'Telegraph' group newspaper has this statement:

The Government has refused to hold a referendum here. The Conservatives, however, have not ruled out offering a vote even if the treaty has become law by the time they come to power.

A “no” vote in Britain would then, according to experts, inevitably lead to Britain withdrawing from the treaty and effectively “de-ratifying” it across the Continent – throwing the EU into chaos and potentially forcing a large majority of member states to draw up a new treaty from which Britain would be excluded.

Such reporting is dangerous rubbish!

The British Government, following a conspiracy involving the timing of the take-over of power between Blair and Brown, the lying and manipulation of D. Milliband and M. Beckett and various parliamentary shenanigans unworthy in any democracy (but, shamefully, involving the three leaders of the main political parties) has already ratified the Lisbon Treaty, had it printed on animal skin, signed by the Queen and lodged in Rome).

Once the other 26 signatories similarly legally ratify that treaty it becomes binding on all 27 members for all time, only allowing withdrawal from its totalitarian and democracy destroying provisions by the trigger of its own withdrawal procedures, effectively requiring national castration and other even more severe forms of sovereign self-mutilation.

There is not, nor can there ever be
the possibility of - “de-ratifying” it across the Continent.

The author of this dreadful piece of journalism, suggesting de-ratification as a possibility, is the following:

Patrick Hennessy, Political Editor
Published: 9:00AM BST 20 Sep 2009

Read the entire article from this link, if, like me, you find such rubbish difficult to believe.

The Telegraph, once again, plumbs the depths - it remains an honour to continue to be black-listed from their Comment threads!



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