September 21, 2009

Unequivocal Defeat to the Colonialist Armies!

The Taliban and their religious-ideological brethren wherever they are on the globe, keep close tabs on the manner in which the West views their enterprise to vanquish the infidels and establish a world-wide caliphate with Islamic sharia law governing the lives of all, not merely the world's Muslims. That, of course, is the end-game, and the various wars in progress are meant to lead up to that final solution to the existing reality of different religions, ideologies, political systems and social customs currently existing in international debased decadence.

It pleases al-Qaeda no end to hear the hopeful declarations emanating from Western sources that it has run out of steam, even while the tentacles of Internet enablement and involvement continues to recruit eager young jihadists anxious to do the bidding of their heroic instructors to battle the demonic forces of the West. Just as it delights Mullah Omar, the resourceful leader of the Taliban, to crow that Afghanistan exists as - as history has proven time and again - a graveyard for colonial troops.

"The more the enemy resorts to increasing forces, the more they will face an unequivocal defeat in Afghanistan", celebrates the Taliban's supreme commander. The resurgence of Taliban forces within Afghanistan - supported by Pakistan's Taliban and foreign Islamists - ferociously maintaining the use of guerrilla tactics while keeping traditional combat to a minimum, has had the desired effect of bringing fear anew to Afghans, and destabilizing the intent of the 100,000 NATO troops assigned to battle them.

"The West does not have to wage this war", Mullah Omar croons softly, denying the prevailing and common understanding that in permitting the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and their cohorts to prevail, the countries of the West leave themselves open to further and ongoing attacks on their own soil. The presence of NATO troops in Afghanistan is meant to forestall and to ultimately totally squelch the possibility of any further attacks on the West, in their own countries by fanatic Islamists.

Moreover, Mullah Omar asserts, the NATO forces are suppressing freedom for Afghans in supporting the corrupt and tyrannical government of President Hamid Karzai. As opposed to the humanely charitable, kindly administration of the Taliban when they oppressed the Afghan population, and welcomed the leadership of al-Qaeda to make themselves comfortable in an environment suited to their purpose. Afghan civilians may have a different take on the levels of corruption and totalitarian rule between one and the other.

Now U.S. General McChrystal has forwarded an assessment of the engagement to the U.S. defense secretary to be reviewed by President Obama and his national security team. They have been studying the contents for several weeks. General McChrystal has not been shy to state his professional opinion that the tide of success will not turn in favour of NATO forces without a substantial increase in troops deployed to the country. He does not portray the Taliban as without considerable resources. In this way he respects what NATO confronts.

President Obama claims to be awaiting "absolute clarity about what the strategy is going to be" before making his decision on whether or not to commit a substantial number of additional U.S. troops to the mission. The strategy is clear enough; to overwhelm the Taliban by sheer numbers of troops able to confront and deny them the opportunity to retake ground won and then left unprotected. To completely rout the Taliban, seek them where they find shelter and destroy them.

Leave them in a state of utter disarray so they may no longer be successful predators on the population so weary of a constant state of warfare. And while they're about it, turn the Afghan government itself toward the clarity of service to the country and its people, as a departure from traditional corruption and sieving of international funds into private hands. Above all, instilling, through sheer perseverance, a respect for the human rights of women and children.

And good luck to all that.

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