October 6, 2009

Facing facts - Britain can no longer pay the EU fees!

The Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, today began to spell out a small fraction of the pain which now lies ahead for all Britons. All as forewarned by this blog over many months and indeed years.

There are two much larger areas where further revenues will eventually, more likely pretty shortly, have to be found- I see none others available. These are NHS charging through private insurance and reducing the payments to the EU.

The Conservative Party Conference while appearing brave today, in fact still has its head firmly in the sand. The costs of the EU are insupportable and even higher than they should have been due to the annual extra billions pledged by Tony Blair to buy himself the Presidency that now seems within his grasp.

It is imperative that those at the conference impress upon their party leadership, such that David Cameron spells it out in his Leader's Address, that to economize on EU costs once in Government, he must challenge the legality of the Lisbon Treaty ratification process NOW!

The main opposition party in the UK CANNOT permit the continuance of the ratification process of this Treaty as if there were any future prospect of them acceding to those terms in the nation's present financial plight. Common sense demands, if only for the best interests of our EU partners, that the facts now be made quite clear.

If the Tories do not issue such a challenge, they could be forced into the Withdrawal Provisions (Article 50 of the TEU) of the Lisbon Treaty itself, which will almost certainly bankrupt the nation for generations and merely further set in concrete the grave economic penalties already given away to the Europeans by past leaders of both main political parties, cheered on by the third.

The situation that a future British Government will face in attempting to avoid national bankruptcy by an easing of the crippling costs to which the EU is presently entitled may be read on page 46 Article 50 of the TEU from this pdf link.

If we are to see some maturity from the present Conservative Party leadership, it must begin with honesty on the EU and a recognition of the unacceptability and illegality of the Lisbon Treaty ratification process, if not elsewhere in the EU then most certainly as far as the Constitutionality of that process in Britain itself. Is a clear lie to be allowed to rob the country of the sovereignty of its people?

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