October 19, 2009


Bush's numbers went down because he went against the conservative base with Dubai Ports, Miers, Amnesty and his liberal Big Spending policies like the pharma-Medicare benefits - and the fact for YEARS that he never vetoed as big spending bill.

There weren't Tea Parties but the conservative base STAYED HOME in 2006 and also in 2008.

Dubya went down to 30% in the polls.

This cost the GOP dearly.

Obama is headed for similar numbers.

For similar reasons.

Obama is failing to satisfy his LEFTIST base - with Gitmo and DADT and abandoning "the public option" and so on.

The left is becoming turned off and this will keep them home in 2010 and lead to a GOP resurgence.

Obama is actually oin worse position than Dubya because Obama has painted himself in a corner whereas Dubya didn't.

After all: Dubya actually ran on being soft on illegal immigration and a compassionate conservative" (what us conservatives now know is code for LIBERAL!). SO Bush RAN as a moderate and governed as one - except on national security, where Dubya was a GREAT HAWK!

But Obama ran as a MODERATE while winking to his base so Obama is going to piss off the moderates and the base.

The moderates who voted Obama already feel TWICE BURNED: the TRILLION DOLLAR Porkulus was a total bust and it exposed Obama for what he was: a machine pol' who didn't even care if the bill had been read by Congressmen and didn't post it online for as long before signing it as he had promised to do during the election.

And moderates have been burned by Obama's Obamacare power grab.

And Jews have discovered that Obama is more anti-Israel than any POTUS in history - and they're waking up, too.

There's no Sister Souljah moment looming out there for Obama. He blew it BIGTIME of the Skip Gates moment. He was terribly WEAK (from a pro-democracy POV) during the Iranian Election Rebellion. He coulda-shoulda turned down the unconstitutional/delusional Nobel prize. And so on.

He's missed every single opportunity to be post-partisan. And the moderates know this; they will not allow themselves to be burned THRICE.

BOTTOM-LINE - (barring the unforeseen): Obama will be at around 40% by November and the GOP will retake both bodies of Congress next year - when Obama will be at around 30%.




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