October 24, 2009


The left says Israel is an apartheid state because the people in the so-called territories are second class citizens.

This is intellectually dishonest and propaganda.

If the territories aren't Israel - and they aren't to the left, and if they shouldn't be - and they shouldn't be according to the left, then how can people living there be second class citizens of a nation - Israel - that they aren't a part of!?!?!

The left - and the Arabs living in the so-called occupied territories - want to have their cake and eat it too.

They want the rights of Israelis without being subject to Israeli laws.

Furthermore, they want these rights even though they deny them to each other; (Israelis - whether Jews or Muslims or Christians, whether Arabs or not - have more rights than anybody living in any Arab nation.)

Apartheid is leftist code for racist and colonialist.

Israel is neither.

Jews have lived there continuously for over 3000 years. Though ruled by Muslims for hundreds of years it was never ever a separate polity except under the Jews. And while ruled by Muslims they disregarded the Temple Mount entirely and it fell into disrepair.

Anti-Zionism is a form or racism and a facet of anti-West leftism.

And those who call Israel an apartheid colony of the West are either dupes or enemies of the West.

The Holy Land was Jewish first. Then it was Christian. From Iraq to Morocco.

The interlopers are the Arabs and Muslims. They took over by force - through jihado-terror.

The only true totalitarian tyrannies in the region ore Muslim. Especially Saudi Arabia.

People who think of themselves as pro-Human Rights have no business supporting the enemies of Israel and their allegiance to the so-called Palestinian Arabs is misplaced.

When Jews can live freely as Jews in their ancient homes in Medina and Yemen and Iraq and Iran and Syrian, then there will be peace.

Until then the peace process is a charade - and evil charade promoted by those who really would like Israel and Jews and the West just to go away.


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