October 4, 2009

Mayor Johnson and a British referendum on the EU

It is being reported that Boris Johnson has come out in support of a referendum for Britain on the Lisbon Treaty whether it has been ratified or not. Let us look at what he actually said:

In an interview with The Sunday Times, Johnson said: “If we are faced with the prospect of Tony Blair suddenly emerging, suddenly pupating into an intergalactic spokesman for Europe, then I think the British people deserve a say on it ... I do think it would be right for such a debate to be held, particularly if the upshot of the Lisbon treaty is going to produce President Blair.”

This then is a spoiler against Tony Blair becoming the first EU President, deliberately targeted at those, on the Continent, making the decision on the the first such appointee to the EU Presidential post.

It must surely go without saying that Tony Blair is among that small group of totally shameless and despicable politicians who emerged during the twentieth century in different parts of Europe. As such, it would be entirely fitting for him to become the first appointed head of the corrupt and anti-democratic EU. No decent man or woman would wish their name associated with such an organization after the affront of the Lisbon Treaty ratification process.

The actual occupant of the Presidency, as Mayor Johnson is fully aware, is an irrelevance on the question of whether Britons should now accept governance under the terms of the Lisbon Treaty.

It is brave of such a leading figure in the Conservative Party to have expressed this view in clear contradiction of the views of his party's leadership. We need it even more clearly spelled out please Boris, Britain needs a referendum on Lisbon, or if ratified, then on the EU, FULL STOP!

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