October 13, 2009

Rep. Wexler (D-emented) Resigns to Be J Street Shill

JTA reports that he resigned from Congress to head the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation, which is a J Street front. Not only is he endorsed by J Street, but he's working for them now, too. Sorry, Washington Independent; he's not up for ambassadorship.

The Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation engineered the second Intifada by being one of the primary backers of Oslo, back in their heyday. The Center's former head, Stephen Cohen, was the sincere genius who made Assad and Arafat out to be peacemakers, rather than the Islamonazi savages they always were.

The Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation has all kinds of shady ties, such as Middle East Progress, which is basically J Street's think tank, and part of the Center for American Progress. Jim Gerstein, for example, is a MEP advisor and former executive director of the Center.

The Center's Chairman is actually S. Daniel Abraham, who was one of the chief funders of the Joint Victory Campaign, a Soros front which is the "Chief fund-raising entity for the Shadow Party." Stephen Cohen worked with S. Daniel Abraham at the Peres Center for Appeasement Peace.

At least this clown is out of office now, for greener pastures, presumably.



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