October 9, 2009

Sudeten German property claims the basis for latest Lisbon hurdle

We made several posts last evening on the footnote required by Czech President Vaclav Klaus in the latest moves to thwart enactment of the Lisbon Treaty which would destroy the democracy and independence of 27 former European nation states.

I have waited most of the day for a reasoned report on what exactly is involved. I have selected this report from the Wall Street Journal Blogs as a good summary and brief explanation of the situation.

The silence from David Cameron, on this development, especially following his more assertive stance on the EU in his speech of yesterday, is becoming increasingly mysterious!

The Conservative Party must decide where they stand on the EU!

It is unbelievable that they have been thrown this lifeline by President Klaus and appear to pass by and continue to flounder as if they prefer drowning to facing reality.

Read my blog beneath this to see what Cameron said on the EU only yesterday!

Where is the support today for President Klaus? Will we have to wait again for the right words from Boris?

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