Time Off For Good Behaviour
There goes another one. Of that infamous 'Toronto 18' gang of terror wannabes.
Who almost succeeded in obtaining that sought-after martyrdom recognition of warriors for Allah. But whose machinations did not go entirely undetected. Security alerts are somewhat higher than they might otherwise have been, since that most successful of jihadist attacks in the United States, when American security agencies dropped the ball, and allowed 9-11 to wake them from their somnolently-unaware sclerosis of the mind.
As luck and good sleuthing enabled the RCMP and CSIS to intercept the activities of a dozen-and-a-half Canadians who took affront at the defensive attacks on Islamists of any stripe by the collected auspices of Western military defences alert to the very real potential of further attacks, Canada was spared the distress of seeing Parliament invaded by lunatic gun-slingers, along with other attacks on the country's institutions.
Now the sixth case under the anti-Terrorism Act has been concluded, following in the wake of Ottawa-located Momin-Khawaja's successful prosecution on charges of terrorism. More latterly, Justice Bruce Durno has handed down a 7-year sentence to Ali Mohamed Dirie in response to his part in the plot to stage terror attacks in Ontario, in 2006.
Ever hear of time-off for good behaviour in prison?
Seems to happen on a regular basis in Canada. Where time-off is automatically given to those incarcerated while awaiting trail. In some instances double-time is counted for time in prison, reducing the outcome of the official sentencing. In Mr. Dirie's case, he will be eligible to apply for parole in a scant year. Isn't that a wonderful system of justice?
On the theory that the man has been given sober food for thought, to repent and forswear any further or future involvement in the avails of terror. He was caught smuggling handguns and ammunition into Canada to supply his Islamist group of fellow jihadists. "Terrorism offences strike at the heart of Canadian values and society", the judge intoned.
"The intentions were to use loaded guns to attempt to effect change in Canada's foreign policy, to resort to violence to protest violence, to use guns and not ballots to effect change, and to commit violent acts." Thus said the judge. Who kindly gave Mr. Dirie five years of credit for time spent in prison following his arrest.
He and his jihadist crew were handily arrested in their plot to wreak bloody murder and mayhem in as grand a scale as they could manage, in the country that gave them and their families berth. And this failed jihadist remains a jihadist, dedicated to his belief and faith in the justice of what he and his co-jihadists carefully planned and were fully and enthusiastically prepared to carry out.
While in prison he actively attempted to buy arms, and spent his spare time in trying to persuade other prisoners to allow themselves to be recruited into the fellowship of global jihad. He lied to the National Parole Board, and struck a corrections officer, among other little indiscretions. "In Islam there is no racism, we only hate kufar [non-Muslims]", he clandestinely informed his supporters from prison.
And this is the confirmed and convicted and sentenced jihadist who may rejoin Canadian society no later than 2011.
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