November 23, 2009

Brazil's Leader Makes It Clear He Is Ok With Achmadinejad's Jew-Hatred

He uses Leftist gobbledegook to articulate his ideas, but the message comes through loud and clear, he is ok with Jew-hatred.

Obama, Chavez, and Lula da Silva are all ok with Jew-hatred.

The Left, in general, is ok with Jew-hatred.

From the New York Times:

BRASÍLIA — As leaders from Brazil and Iran met here on Monday, the Brazilian president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, defended his decision to play host to the Iranian president at a moment of rising tension over Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

In his national radio show, Mr. da Silva said that “you don’t move forward by leaving Iran isolated.”

“If Iran is an important actor in this discord, then it is important that someone sits with Iran, talks with Iran and tries to establish a balancing point, so that society returns to a certain normality in the Middle East,” he said, in remarks before the meeting.

Iran is not merely "an important actor" in the Middle East. They are the state which most clearly articulates that their ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel and the United States.

One has to wonder what Da Silva thinks a "return to a certain normality in the Middle East" would look like.

Maybe he thinks it would look like this:


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