November 19, 2009

Democracy's Destroyers Dine to Deliver Despotism

Twenty-seven of the lowest of the low within Europe (self-deluded that they are in reality la crème de la crème) at this moment meet together (with long-handled spoons, one trusts,) to promote a suitably malleable puppet President for the European Union; as former democratic leaders of sovereign states they have debased and deceived the people of Europe to deliver an entity of which mankind - not just Europeans should be thoroughly ashamed!

We must now await the results of their closed-door, non-democratic manoeuvrings to see the self-serving and shameful appointees who emerge.

In the stakes of shame for this entire eight year long squalid saga, most of which is painstakingly detailed in the archives of this blog (plus its predecessor Ironies) at the forefront stand the British politicians, whose lies and double-dealing to both Parliament and their domestic electorate go unparalleled elsewhere in the now thoroughly shamed and decadent EU.



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