Inflation realities - Thread Treasures - Thirty-eight
In response to a first rate description of Britain's inflation realities by Mark Bathgate, 'The Gathering Storm" linked here, comes this from The Spectator Coffee House :
For me, the real issue here is the complete and utter failure of the UK's constitutional and democratic processes.
How can it be that we still face many months of being "governed" (shafted) by a group of political gangsters and shysters that have done more damage to this country in a decade than any external threat ever visited upon us?
The problem is that the damage is latent.
There will be a great and terrible unfolding of Gordon Brown's unholy economic legacy over the coming years. Most folk remain blissfully unaware of the pent up catastrophe that the Labour Party will hand over to the largely clueless Tories in the spring of next year.
All this seems fitting on a day when we learn that the UK has slipped further down the league of the world's most corrupt countries, thanks mainly to the venality of our political class.
How did it get to this? I suppose we only have ourselves to blame; or am I being too harsh on the ordinary bloke here? Is it the case that our society is fractured?
Perhaps we now have a political class (mafia) and all its hangers on ... and the rest of us dolts being taken for the mother of all rides.
Do we have to put up with this? Or can we withdraw our consent to be governed by an increasingly corrupt few?
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