November 6, 2009


Imagine for a moment that there was a political movement that advocated:

That it must dominate the entire world with its unifying ideology -

That the entire world must come under the rulership of its single dictator -

That the United States Constitution and all American laws must be replaced by the laws promulgated by this particular political movement and its leader -

That it was proper for members of this political party to kill all who did not submit to their rule, and take from them everything they own -

That women must be eternally subjugated, and deprived of education, the right to work, the right to vote, and the freedom to choose their husbands -

That representational art, music, dancing, and theatrical performances (including films) must be abolished -

That banking, mortgages, a free market in securities, and commercial credit all be eliminated -

That sovereign states which refused to submit to this political movement be destroyed -

And so on.

Do you think for a New York minute that adherents of that political philosophy or members of such a political party would be enrolled in the United States Armed Forces? That the United States would encourage political organizers for such a party to have official establishments on American military bases, in American prisons, or on the campuses of government-supported American universities? That the American president would go out of his way to coddle, praise, stroke, and conciliate such a political party?

But if you call such a political movement a "religion" and say that its tenets were given it by its God, then you'll be free to infilitrate, subvert, and attack our American way of life, again and again and again.

There was no madness at Fort Hood. That was just the worldwide jihad in action.

The madness is in Washington.

It is past time to recognize that whether or not you want to be at war with the jihad, the jihad is at war with you.


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