November 14, 2009


Atlas Shrugs tells that there have been hearings on the Rifqa Bary case in Ohio without public knowledge, and that the November 16 hearing appears to be canceled.

On the one hand, while a gag order could actually be of help if that's what it takes to keep awful newspapers like the Columbus Dispatch from writing things that could actually hurt her, it is bad if hearings are being run behind everyone else's back, especially if a backdoor deal were to come up that could find Rifqa returned to her abusive parents without prior knowledge.

And that's one more reason to attend the rally on November 16 at 11AM in Dorrian Commons Park, where Andrew Bostom will also be present.

So far, there appears to be another hearing scheduled for December 22. Let's hope there'll be a rally planned for that time as well.



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