November 3, 2009

Not $1.2 Trillion...$1.5 Trillion

Yesterday the AP did their own math on Pelosi's bill, which she trumpeted as costing a mere $894 billion, and their intrepid reporters came up with the figure of $1.2 trillion. Pelosi didn't lie. She used leftard Keynesian math. (H/T: Ed Morrissey.)

The story is not that Pelosi lied. Pelosi always lies. That's not news.

What's arguably news is that the AP employs the same leftard Keynesian math as Pelosi, just more honestly, in order to cover for the Dems and shill for 3rd-world socialism like they have in uninhabitable places like England and Canada.

The real cost of the bill is $1.5 trillion, according to Heritage, where their Foundry bloggers didn't learn how to do math by studying communications, going to J-school, and sucking up to special interests. They, evidently, received actual educations at real schools, probably private ones.


This figure comes, of course, after Obama's promise that running over the Constitution and turning the United States into a hellish cesspoolstan wouldn't cost a dime, then Pelosi's backtracking claim that it would only (!) cost $900 billion.

All lies. All of them. Every time.

Notice a pattern?

It's a sad state of affairs when we have to turn to think tanks both for our news and to check the work of the CBO.

Update: Heh.


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