December 5, 2009


A call has been made by an expert to draft legislation to prevent foreign countries from funding sources hostile to Israel:
( The influential anti-Zionist organizations in Israel are funded by European Union member states, a researcher for the Institute for Zionist Strategy told Arutz Sheva. The researcher, Adi Arbel, said that European states achieve their aim of influencing Israeli policies by funding groups like Peace Now, Adallah, Yesh Din and B'Tselem.

Arbel said that it was time to legislate laws that would fight this phenomenon. “In the United States there is a law called the 'Foreign Agent Registration Act',” he explained. “Organizations that receive funds from foreign governments have to work in complete transparency and publish proper disclosure regarding every position paper or research that they publish, and say who funded it. The purpose is very clear – to have laws here in Israel, too, that will make it mandatory to have the same transparency as in the US and that will show everyone where the money to these groups comes from.”


The NGOs in question cause Israel great damage, he went on to say. “We saw that they take their information outside. They took out information to the Durban racism conference which made declarations against Israel, and they sent information to Judge Goldstone, who based his report on them.”
There's another reason why these reprehensible groups must have their funding cut, just like ACORN, because they're helping equally reprehensible people like Goldstone to conduct their hatemongering against Israel.


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