The big headline below the hard-copy fold reads "Arrests suggest U.S. Muslims, like those in Europe, can be radicalized abroad."
True enough.
And one of the stories below the fold begins as follows:
The five men from Northern Virginia under arrest in Pakistan had exchanged e-mails written in code for months with a recruiter for the Pakistani Taliban and had a map indicating they were bound for the tribal area where al-Qaeda is thought to be based, Pakistan officials said Friday.But both of the two stories dance around the radicalization from within of American Moslems, in spite of the other of today's stories beginning as follows:
A spike in terrorism cases involving U.S. citizens is challenging long-held assumptions that Muslims in Europe are more susceptible to radicalization than their better-assimilated counterparts in the United States.Both stories mostly ignore the seriousness of the internal threat from the fifth column, and both stories do not mention any of the radical Wahhabist imams preaching at mosques all across America.
Furthermore, the other of today's two stories in the WaPo is calling upon two dangerous groups to curb the radicalization of Moslem youth within the United States:
...[T]wo major groups -- the Muslim Public Affairs Council and the Council on American-Islamic Relations -- said this week that they would launch counter-radicalization programs aimed at young people...Half-awakened in the media is not necessarily better that not awakened at all.
The second story, as one might expect from the WaPo, blames the United States for radicalization:
Several U.S. and international terrorism analysts say that American Muslims, as a group, remain more prosperous, assimilated and moderate than those in Europe. But the analysts also note that immigration trends, the global spread of a militant Islamism and controversial actions by the United States and its allies since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks increase the chances that U.S. Muslims could carry out a domestic attack.It is beyond the capabilities of liberals to blame the tenets of Islam, and the media continue to dance around those jihadist tenets.
Reliapundit points out in the post below this one that the New York Times is taking the same position as the WaPo.
Until the media tell the truth, Americans will continue to snooze or half-snooze. It is more comfortable not to recognize the truth about Islam.
Labels: Always On Watch, Muslims in America, the mainstream media, Washington Post
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