January 21, 2010

Not Dangerous?

A man whose persistent, ceaseless and brutal predations upon women have earned him, over the space of twenty years, prison sentences for extortion, assault, threats, unlawful confinement, harassment, uttering threats, assaults causing bodily harm, criminal harassment and obstructing a peace officer should be identified as a psychopath.

His continued, uncontrolled and deliberate criminal behaviour, and his inability or lack of willingness to attempt to manage his vicious temperament stand as reason to condemn him as a dangerous offender.

Now 46 years old, he has learned nothing at all, from the time twenty years earlier, he attempted to have the Supreme court of Canada prevent his girlfriend from obtaining an abortion. That was simply a mild aberration of behaviour.

He has since graduated to a lifetime of offering sexual violence to one woman after another. Despite which, Ontario Superior court Justice Andromache Karakatsanis sought a continuance of a long-term supervision order against Jean Guy Tremblay.

She, obviously has faith in his ability to somehow transcend his intractably monstrous psychopathy expressed in ongoing violence against women. Who ever was it that said women sitting in judgement of crimes committed against women know what they suffer and with that knowledge exercise the full strength of the law to protect women from further abuse?

Crown attorney Rita Zaied put forward her argument that Tremblay represents a danger to all women, and the risk to the public could not be managed by 'supervision'.

This man's long string of arrests and imprisonments for violating women's human rights, for terrorizing them and threatening them and brutalizing them seemed insufficient inducement to the presiding judge to pronounce him an intolerable and ongoing threat to society.

A man who was diagnosed as being in possession of a "narcissistic personality" and paranoia associated with a history of lying to women. Judge Karakatsanis appears to feel she is lecturing to a malleable young man not yet set in his misogynous state of war against women.

"Mr. Tremblay: You are 46 years old. You have caused serious harm to many women in the past. It is time for you to turn your life around", she admonished him, giving him yet another undeserved break in his long life of violence and prison time.

Turn his life around? He's had no previous opportunities? A likely event.

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