February 8, 2010


Again, Islam disrespects law and order in this country:
(IsraelNN.com) Arabs challenged Israeli authority in eastern Jerusalem on Monday, hurling rocks in violent riots that wounded five policemen, one of whom was hospitalized. Arab journalists also suffered injuries.

The riots followed a large-scale police operation that was aimed at “putting some order” in place in the Arab locality of Shuafat. Police staged house-to-house midnight searches for weapons and for non-resident Arabs from Judea and Samaria staying in eastern Jerusalem without work permits.

Arabs responded by hurling rocks and broken bottles at the police and at soldiers at a checkpoint bordering the area. The clashes escalated Monday afternoon when Muslim school children joined the violence, also taking aim at nearby Jewish residents.


The mood on the Arab street has grown angrier the past several months, as Arab leaders have discarded the original American proposal that the status of Jerusalem be negotiated between the Palestinian Authority and Israel. PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas recently called for a resumption of talks with a pre-ordained agreement that the entire area, including the Jewish Quarter in the Old City, will fall under PA sovereignty.
So let's see, we have returns to common themes among Islamofascists like violence, children with corrupted minds playing hooky, and more political taqqiya in motion. Really, with "friends" like these...


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