February 4, 2010

University of Maryland Business School Professor Says Government Is Purposefully Harrassing Toyota Motors Because Of It's Ownership of GM and Chysler

And, I agree.

From AFP:

CHICAGO — The US transportation chief's public rebukes of Toyota's handling of a massive safety recall have raised eyebrows, given the US government's major stake in rivals General Motors and Chrysler.

"The optics are terrible because -- and this is what happens when a government owns a company - the two companies that are going to gain the most out of this are General Motors and Chrysler," said Peter Morici, a professor at the University of Maryland's business school.

The smart guy says, "The optics are terrible," instead of using common speak, which would be, "This looks bad for the government."

It looks bad, because it is bad.

The government is purposefully going after Toyota because Toyota is more successful than Government Motors and Obama's Chrysler.

If the government really cared about the accelerator problems in Toyota's cars, they would be informing the public of how they can solve the problem if it should arise.

Here's how you solve the problem; PUT IT IN NEUTRAL AND APPLY THE BRAKES.

You heard it here first.

That is advice the government would be wise to follow with regards to it's spending habits.

But, the U.S. government under the Obama regime is profligate in both spending and it's treatment of successful corporations.


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