Candlelight vigil around the Capitol on Saturday night...
Broad TEA Party & Grassroots Coalition Aligns To "Kill The Bill":
WASHINGTON, DC (March 18, 2010) - The past two weeks has seen the "Take The Town Halls To Washington" initiative get nearly 1,000 people to DC to meet with approximately 30 Congressman. The event culminated in the rally at Taft Park near the Capitol, which was sponsored by Tea Party Express. Over 1,500 people assembled to rally against the health care bill and then meet with their representatives. While the Capitol Police diverted the stage and sound for the park rally, grass roots activists innovated and used a park bench and bull horn to get their message to the attendees!
With the critical nature of a looming Congressional decision, a broad coalition of Tea Party organizations and leadership is launching the final push before a possible vote by the House. These events are being coordinated across the US and are aimed at communicating the frustration of the people while demanding the termination of this health bill legislation. While the DNC and the administration continue to obfuscate and confuse, this coalition is focused on getting activists involved prior to Pelosi's maneuvering.
This event is being sponsored by the Tea Party Express, American Grassroots Coalition, Nationwide Tea Party Coalition, and Take the Town Halls to Washington.
Code Red Rally in Washington, DC at 12 noon on Saturday on the West Lawn of the Capitol.
Candlelight vigil around the Capitol on Saturday night.
Featured speakers and Entertainers at the Washington, D.C. Rally on Saturday will include:
- Lisa Norton, National Anthem
- Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)
- Congressman Tom Price (GA)
- Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
- Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (TN)
- Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA)
- Actor & Conservative Jon Voight
- Dr. Milton Wolf, Barack Obama’s second cousin who opposes Obamacare
- Colin Hanna, Let Freedom Ring
- Jim Martin, 60 Plus
- Phil Kerpen, Americans for Prosperity
- Tim Phillips, Americans for Prosperity
- Andrew Langer, Institute for Liberty
- Kathryn Serkes, Doctor Patient Medical Association
- Mark Skoda, Memphis Tea Party
- Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express
- Jennifer Hulsey, American Grassroots Coalition
- FreedomWorks Representative
- Ben Cunningham, Founder of the Tennessee Tax Revolt
- Darla Dawald, Grassfire / Resistnet
- Tom McCluskey, Family Research Council
- Ana Puig, Kitchen Table Patriots
- Toby Marie Walker, Waco Tea Party
Grassroots activists everywhere have worked to inform themselves, notify their representatives of their objections and take action in the form of rallies, meetings and calls into those representatives. Individual groups have worked to stop the health care legislation while coordinating with each other to amplify their message and their efforts.
Amy Kremer, of Tea Party Express, commented, "We had a great rally this week in DC and people have overwhelmed us with their desire to do it again on Saturday. With so many people concerned about this legislation and the ability to come to Washington on a weekend, we are working within this coalition to expand the Code Red rally participation ."
The coalition of Tea Party and grassroots organizations and leadership is committed to changing the dynamics of this legislative process. The Democratic led Congress is using procedural and legislative rules to ignore the overwhelming opposition to this bill. The will of the American people is being subverted by these actions and the grass roots activists who make up this coalition are focusing their energy to kill the bill.
The coalition includes:For further information or to register and participate or assist others to come to Washington, DC, please check the above websites where details will be posted and updated regularly throughout the next 24 hours and
- 60 Plus
- Alexandria Tea Party
- American Conservative Union
- American Grassroots Coalition
- Americans for Prosperity
- Americans for Tax Reform
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
- Cincinnati Tea Party
- Cincinnati 9/12 Project
- Coalition for a Conservative Majority
- Concerned Women for America
- Constitutional Sovereignty Alliance
- Constitutional Tea Party
- Doctor Patient Medical Association
- Family Research Council
- FreedomWorks
- Grassfire/Resistnet
- Heartland Institute
- Hispanic Leadership Fund
- Institute for Liberty
- Let Freedom Ring
- Memphis Tea Party
- Mom for America
- National Center for Public Policy Research
- National Taxpayer’s Union
- Nationwide Tea Party Coalition
- New Jersey Tea Party Coalition
- Northern Virginia 912
- Pray in Jesus Name Project
- RePatriot Radio
- Richmond Patriots
- Right March
- Standing True to America's National Destiny
- Take the Town Halls to Washington
- Tea Party Express
- Tea Party Patriots
- Tea Party Patriots Live Radio Show
- United States Justice Foundation
- Washington DC Tea Party
- We the People of Pennsylvania
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