Yes: Obama has let our troops fight the Afghan War well. He took too long to agree to the requests that Petraeus made, but he made the right call.
Other than that, Obama has been a complete failure.
A miserable failure.
Chief and primary among Obama's miscalculations was this: he ran as a post-partisan centrist.
By doing this he did not gain a mandate for the leftist policies he's trying to force down America's throat.
So he predetermined his political downfall.
This was why he tried to do so much so fast - the Porkulus and Obamacare and Cap & Trade in the first year: he felt that he could force it all through quickly and people might not catch on before the mid-term realignment. By then it wood be too late: America would be way on down the road to serfdom.
But his Chicago Machine-style opened people's eyes fast.
And independents and moderates who thought they were voting for a charming charismatic centrist discovered that Joe the Plumber was right.
They feel BURNED, and won't be burned again.
Obama is through. Done. Cooked. Overcooked Burnt.
A lame duck.
Have no fears: Speaker Boehner and majority leader McConnell will save the day.
January 2011.
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