March 9, 2010

Jihadis are not Terrorists: Expert Opinion

That's quite the amazing conclusion. Unequivocal and brought forward as an exculpating argument by a U.S. historian, as a judge is studying charges against Mohamed Harkat in Ottawa of links to terrorism.

CSIS claims that Mohamed Harkat is a sleeper agent for al-Qaeda. His background seems to attest to that. Mr. Harkat denies any links to terror, and is resisting the Government of Canada's attempts to remove his refugee status and repatriate him to his country of birth, Algeria.

Where Mr. Harkat claims he will be arrested and tortured. Mr. Harkat's link to Saudi-born jihadist Ibn Khattab, killed in Chechnya in 2002 supports CSIS's claim that Mr. Harkat is indeed linked to global jihad. Ibn Khattab made jihad his life-long ambition, and he met Osama bin Laden when both fought the Russians in Afghanistan in the 1980s.

Mohamed Harket was associated with Ibn Khattab; he operated a guesthouse in Peshawar, Pakistan, serving jihadists in transit to training camps in Afghanistan in the early 1990s. The guesthouse had a deliberate purpose, and those who made use of it also had a deliberate purpose; to train as violent jihadists in service to global jihad.

To claim - as Brian Williams, associate professor of Islamic History at the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth does - that the linkage of jihadists (Muslim fighters) to terrorism is fallacious is dubius. Terror is precisely what those trained jihadists mean to convey, as they bomb both themselves and others into oblivion in their fervent obeisance to what they believe Islam demands of them.

How the two can be separated is simply a sophistry. The nomenclature is as interchangeable as is the cause and effect of violent jihad resulting in terror.

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