Watch Your Uncultured Step
It's one thing to be invited as a notoriously right-wing commentator on contemporary affairs of political correctness, to address a curious and semi like-minded audience wanting to see up close and personal the physically engaging personality whose un-politically correct tongue lashings have made so many sit up and take notice. Quite another when one of the universities to which you have been invited to speak has its university administrator caution, in the most ungenerous of terms, against speaking rashly, insensitively, to a Canadian audience.
Stifling freedom of expression in a university setting, one that accepts as quite necessary in the spirit of open dialogue and discussion, the hate-fuelled event labelled "Israeli Apartheid Week" which stands out as the single most egregious display of precisely what Ann Coulter is being warned against? Oops, and my goodness, we are so suddenly sensitive to the implications of having someone appear who minces no words in her opinion of social backwardness masquerading as ultra-liberal enlightenment.
Imagine, the effrontery of enthusing over the potential to invade Muslim countries to convert the population from Islam to Christianity. Novel in its implications that erasing Islam from the mindsets of jihadist morons would effectively emasculate their religious fervour. There's a lead balloon for you at the Israel-bashing party.
But not to worry, this woman is an equal-opportunity-basher, considering she feels the same about Judaism needing to complete its journey toward Christianity.
Ann Coulter is urged to use "restraint, respect and consideration", when addressing her conservative audience at University of Ottawa. The very same venue where the student federation welcomed the opportunity to distinguish themselves by refusing to use "restraint, respect and consideration" when addressing their conjoined article of faith that Israel represents murderous racist apartheid.
"Promoting hatred against any identifiable group would not only be considered inappropriate, but could in fact lead to criminal charges", according to Francois Houle, vice-president academic and provost of U. of Ottawa. Forewarned is forearmed. Mr. Houle has kindly given Ms. Coulter ample examples for her address on freedom of expression, on a silver salver. She should give him credit.
His prissily contemptible admonition to a social-political commentator who obviously relishes the spotlight of notoriety will surely earn him a special mention in her speech? In her round of speeches, since she is scheduled to speak at a number of venues; University of Western Ontario, and University of Calgary, as well. She will no doubt be accorded a more cordial welcome at those two institutes of higher expression.
"I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind." Unexpressed, but inherent in the totality of the experience is that the admonition can be readily lifted if her target is Israel, and its intransigence, its dreadful record of oppression, its intent to murder and maim Arabs, its wish to conquer the world.
But we would like to effusively welcome this personage to Canada, and to hope she will enjoy this experience. It will provide ample fuel for further discussions back in the United States, on those poor simpletons in Canada. Which her country so kindly permits to exist on the same continent.
Labels: Canada/US Relations, Human Relations
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