Cameron did better this time...
NOW THE LONG KNIVES NEED TO COME OUT AND CAMERON HAS TO TACK RIGHT...There are five debate polls now out, each published on the basis of the responses of those watching the debate, who were asked in one form or another which candidate had performed best. Two of the polls have David Cameron and Nick Clegg split at the top of the pack by just one percentage point, while one has the Liberal Democrat leader three and another four points clear of both the Labour and Tory leaders. The brightest spot for David Cameron was the poll issued first, by YouGov for the Sun, which put him four points clear. Two of the polls see Brown and Cameron level pegging in second place.
Election debate polls
Angus Reid/PB: Clegg, 33, Cameron 32, Brown 23
ComRes/ITV News: Clegg 33, Brown 30, Cameron 30
ICM/Guardian: Clegg 33, Brown 29, Cameron 29
Populus/Times: Cameron 37, Clegg 36, Brown 27
YouGov/Sun: Cameron 36, Clegg 33, Brown 23
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