April 7, 2010

The Hate Rot In Canadian Universities

Well, if we detest ourselves to the extent that the majority is considered to be "a white supremacist country", so labelled by university student groups with their precious oversight of social mores and decided belief of selves as wickedly bigoted racists, it is little wonder that so many tremble at the very thought of being considered politically incorrect.

That rational university administrations would submit and surrender to the little dictatorships of students who have looked deep within themselves to confront their inner racist dilemma speaks volumes of our infantile insecurity as a society. Delusional self-abnegation serves well to assure 'visible minority' groups, and ethnic, religious and traditional 'others' that they are supremely entitled to demand very special treatment.

Self-flagellation has come out of the closet of the pious deranged, and become mainstream fodder for those fanatical leftists who celebrate the perceived victim and denigrate the innocent bystander as an oppressor of the less fortunate in a white, European-centric, Judeo-Christian-valued society that, basically describes the Canada of yore.

The merest hint of an anti-Muslim attitude among those who know well enough that the terror squads ramping up their vicious tirades against the West to the point where their jihadi cells here and there feel: aye, ready! to embark on yet another atrocity proving the legitimacy of their submission to obscure and hateful Koranic precepts of enduring violent war against the kuffir brings down the righteous wrath of the tolerant who deny any such intention as global domination through a resurrected Caliphate.

(And if there is any such long-range plan, who can blame the Islamists who have been so dreadfully wronged in the past, and continue to suffer dreadfully through all the slanderous accusations aimed at their stern intentions to haul themselves out of obscurity back into celebrity-through-slaughter? Democratic capitalism is the scourge of the world, and Christian values domination has gone on far too long; time for a change.)

Insult the tender sensibilities of self-abusing males of white privilege and you become a target of scorn as an Muslim phobist. The Canadian Federation of Students' Task Force on Racism report made it quite clear that the migrant calls the shots, and everything must be done by the indigenous dweller to make that migrant comfortable. One cannot bow sufficiently low, nor hesitate too long to invite another culture, tradition, religion, political ideology or social ethos to replace the current, white-dominated one.

Sensitivity to the feelings of those who come to live among an established social, cultural and political order cannot be overemphasized; not if liberal, anti-bias labour, academic and student unions have any say about it. Of course, if being super-sensitive to the feelings of Muslims augers ill for Jews and their love for Israel, that is a most unfortunate fall-out, but what's that old saying about breaking eggs to make an omelette?

So we'd better become accustomed, in Canada, to seeing our universities being increasingly Islam-sensitive and Israel-bashing. And to see campus washrooms, where security cameras, logically, are not placed, to host light-hearted messages such as "Kill a Jew slow + painfully", "Nuke Israel", and "White Power", written in bathroom stalls, as good-hearted fellows spontaneously unburden themselves of suddenly-permissible thought processes.

The fascinating anomaly here is the tripartite alliance of ultra-left-and-right-and-Palestinian-rights form the basis for a newly-branded anti-Semitism. Who says wars don't make strange bedfellows?

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