April 13, 2010

Tory lead drops to 3%. Treasures 40

Treasures from the threads - Number forty, comes in a thread in The Times on a report that the Tory lead is down to 3%. This is brilliant news, another Labour Government being unthinkable, Cameron's labour cloned party would if anything be worse, if they are no longer in contention then voters can begin to seriously consider who is best to govern their ravaged nation!

The comment I have chosen from the thread to this report is the following:

David Chambers wrote:
I left Uk to live in the Philippines 5 years ago now. I haven't been back since. I left because I saw an unsustainable bubble coming up even then and the future looking very grim. I despised the government and its nanny state small minded interfering mentality. I was amazed that broon and his gang of marxist idiots kept the ponzi scheme going for 2 more years.

Now I live a life with my business over here and doing business as usual in the UK except I pay no taxes there, I kowtow to no one there, and my business is booming over here.
Why, because you have broon and his socialist claptrap, and if he gets anywhere near staying on because the UK cant see the difference then the whirlwind that will hit the UK will make times like now seem a picnic.
I transfer jobs to the Philippines, from the UK, and no matter what you think, for far too many companies the tax burden is unbearable and to go this route is often the only way to survive. Staff costs and tax and NI are too high, and banks are unwilling or unable to lend to companies facing losses.
As of now the rush to offshore jobs ( I'm currently in the process of moving over 5000 jobs from over 100 companies to a place where salaries are a tenth the UK and the work done with pride and diligence.
I love the UK but if the electorate make a mistake now, then I and others will reap a very very rich reward, raping and farming your jobs to countries like the Philippines, effectively depriving the UK further of its ability to compete in the world.

Please think carefully before you destroy whats left of the UK and think about what business is left there and what it must do now to survive if you make the wrong choice.

The manufacturing base of the UK has already fallen from 23 to 11% under your marxist cabal and they are only going to feed you more and more of their socialist nonsense if you allow them.
April 14, 2010 5:10 AM BST



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